Saturday, April 17, 2010

Safe Haven?

There is something about feeling safe in your own home. I enjoy my home and I feel very safe from outside worldly influences. Wherever the day takes me it is always nice to come home to what I refer to as my 'safe haven'.

Until something from outside threatens your peace....until one of these creep (or slither) into your home!!

I have no problem with lizards...when they are outside! I have been noticing a lot more around (not inside) our home this spring and I enjoy watching them do their little push up thing when they are hanging out on the back wall of our yard....OUTSIDE! But the other day one of these creepy, scaly, miniature dinosaur looking creatures decided to surprise me in my laundry room and run across my feet to slither under the washing machine. Talk about FREAK out! I ran out of the room so fast, jumping and waving my hands...grabbing whatever poison I could find (Lysol?) and spraying all that I could under the machine, slamming the door and stuffing a towel under it so that it would be trapped in the room and hopefully die from the bacteria killing spray! To say the least laundry was on hold until the boys came home to take care of it. I even spent the majority of the day upstairs thinking that even if it did get out it would not be able to go up the stairs. Yeah right! I have seen them scale the backyard wall many times.

I could not believe how much it freaked me out having this lizard in my safe haven. I was creeped out even more than the time we had a mouse! It took me by surprise how much this bothered me. I could not function normally all day until I knew it was out. Well when the boys got home they were not much help but as I was talking on the phone Zack noticed it by the much for the towel under the door keeping out....and the boys successfully removed it from the home. In the process though it lost a leg, its tail came off (which that always creeps me out because it wriggles around like a snake for many minutes) and it was in misery so they put it gently out of its torture. No problem here, that thing deserved what it got, it tortured me for hours!! OK that is a bit harsh but I was thrilled to have it gone and to feel safe once again in my home:)

Did I mention the lizard was practically a baby one? Probably a teenager, about 3 inches long with a long skinny tail. It didn't matter me it seemed as big as an iguana! Ick!


Cindy said...

you were very brave to stay in your house. I would have got in the car and left...and maybe consider selling my house.

my kids will periodically strategically place plastic lizards around just to watch me FREAK out...

one time i was driving and a lizard ran across the street under my car...ask my kids...i was afraid to get out of my car fearing that the lizard climbed up in the wheel well...

Liz Rose said...

Totally with you on this one!!! We had a mouse problem in Boston---yuck. I've got the shivers just thinking about it. :)

Rosey Posey said...

I would have done the same thing Pam.

Lori said...

You know, the tail will grow back--I don't know about a leg, though.

Rachel said...

that would just freak me out!!!!

Jo said...

YOU ARE SO FUNNY!!! It's just a lizard for heaven's sake. :) Too funny!!!!