Sunday, August 3, 2008

Broadway Zack

Every year our Young Adult Branch puts on a Musical Review and this year the songs were from Disney movies. We have so many talented Young Adults and they are the ones who do everything from building sets to choreography, to the beautiful singing. This year they needed a young boy for two of the performances so Zack stood up to the plate and said he could help them out. He got to play the young boy from Mary Poppins and performed the song "Spoonful of Sugar" and he played Mogli (?) from Jungle Book and performed "Bare Necessities" with Baloo. He had a great time and thought it was pretty cool hanging out with the young adults at the rehearsals and at the after performance Cast Party. It was funny though because last week I
asked him if he had the songs memorized and he says "Yeah, no problem Mom. I know Bare Necessities and I have got the song Cupfull of Sugar down." Ok I thought except for it is suppose to be 'spoonful' of sugar! He is a crazy one!
He actually loved getting up on stage and performing some of his famous Zack dance moves such as the heel click, the sprinkler and the running man. He even had to get all 'miked' up which was a real task because in the jungle scene he was only wearing his shorts. They did a great job hiding it though because I could not even see it, his long hair came in handy because they hid it under his bangs. We kept his hair growing for the part but now we can cut it. Yeah! It is way too long!
It was a great experience for him and he is quite the performer!

Here he is with Brandon Harris who played Baloo-

Here he is with Tracy Labrum who played Mary Poppins-


Kaye said...

I am SOOO sad we missed it. I was excited to expose my children to something other than sports, and then we got a call to go to the Dodger game. I lost least I got a hot dog and nachos, but still I would have loved to have seen Zack's performance...looks like it was fun!

Jo said...

I'm totally bummed we missed it too. I completely forgot. Robert would have loved to see Zack perform!

Rosey Posey said...

That is so exciting. Who knows he could be the next heartthrob in High School musical 5. How fun... bummed we missed it.

Heather said...

What a great experience. I bet he did great and he looks so stinking cute in his costumes.